Soil erosion and weed competition is minimised by the fast germinating of Ryegrass. After weeds have germinated, spay the entire area with Yates Zero Glyphosate Weed … If you have any trouble deciding, ask at Mitre 10. Comes in lime coating as well. Back to top. 0.25 – 0.5kg per 100sqm; Help Sheet: How to Calculate Seed Sowing Rate . Mixed seeds are blended with cheaper Rye Grass and other types, so you get less quality Kikuyu grass growing per square metre. Our kikuyu lawn seed product is not a blended or mixed seed lot, and has not been treated or varied in any way. turfmate’s signature range of Premium Lawn Seed has been designed to suit most Australian climates. Although Kikuyu grass can be adapted to a wide range of soil types, it grows best in a fertile, moderately drained sort, for example, red basalt or an alluvial, moist sandy soil. New male sterile varieties such as Village Green stay greener in winter and do not visibly flower. When teamed with our Ecoactive Lawn Mix, you have everything you need to sow and grow your own gorgeous lawn. For regional & remote Victorian customers, please allow an extra 10 … Uncoated Kikuyu lawn seed 150g - Kikuyu is a deep rooted self repairing perennial grass. Once established, Kikuyu is a vigorous grower and will replace the companion grass. VERY PLEASED AND YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR, SO GET THE PURE SEED EVEN THOUGH IT IS MORE EXPENSIVE.. … That's Mighty Helpful, That's Mitre10. Keep up with our latest offers and DIY inspiration. You can expect a perfect performance with a pH from 5.5 to 7.0. Lawn Seed. Key Kikuyu facts. For more information, please visit your nearest Home Depot store or call customer service at 1-800-430-3376. In the past when Australian backyard toilers were hunting for a grass seed to cover their backyard, it was a choice in two. Lawn Online supply a range of quality of Grass Seed to suit a variety of NZ conditions. Join in the community, tag your posts with #mightyhelpful. It can tolerate some waterlogging and up to 10 … For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Newton Standard Lawn Seed Range Supalawn Amenity rye grass blend 80% and American fine fescues 20%. The annual rye will die off in the heat of summer; Coverage . In fact, I had to sieve through with my fingers to find any seed. Kikuyu seed is a vigorous blend well suited to the warm Australian climate. With regular cutting it forms a dense turf which is ideal for residential use, but the grass is also commonly used in pasture fields. To compliment this, Eureka Kikuyu has a significantly deep root base, allowing it to stand up to the hottest of summer days which are experienced here in the Illawarra, Shoalhaven and surrounds. The ground should be rolled or lightly firmed by walking over it and pressing the seed into the soil. © Mitre 10 Australia Pty. For Melbourne metro customers, allow an extra 10 days for delivery. $13.95 each - 600g + Qty = $0.00. Create a Yates account today! Join now. Through this system the grass spreads (sometimes in excess of 3m) and grows up to 30cm – 40cm high. Features. Unfortunately, this Kikuyu Grass Seed is no longer on our website. It forms a dense turf and spreads by stolons, which creep both above and below the soil surface. FOR YOUR ULTIMATE LAWN CALL 0800 WOOLGRO | 966 5476. Improved germination and root development through the inclusion of a professional grade wetting agent. Can you … Forage EBV’s – forage yield & quality Warm season Cool season Quality by rotation length (days) Yield kg DM/ha ME MJ/kg DM SF Acacia Plateau 14,816 7,089 12.1 11.3 10.9 Whittet 13,004 6,008 11.3 10.9 10… That's Mighty Helpful, That's Mitre 10. Back 2 Front Turf sells Kikuyu - Whittet certified 100% Grass Seed, so you can grow your own residential lawn or kikuyu pasture. Kikuyu seed is quick to propagate and grows rapidly. Buy Lawn at Mitre10. Kikuyugrass leaves and stems are slightly hairy while St. Augustine grass … ... To contact your local store 0800 4 6487310 0800 4 MITRE 10… Kikuyugrass weeds (also spelled kikuyu grass) are native grasses in East Africa, so when the turfgrass was imported, it adapted readily to the warm, temperate climates on the coast and inland … We may have a similar item available for purchase online or in your local Home Depot store. Premium lawns created from sustainable, 100% … The classic Buffalo, or the hardy Kikuyu. Product safety recalls: HPM Hot Water Connection Kit. Please try searching by suburb or postcode. Scotts Lawn Builder™ Seed & Feed Kikuyu is a blend of kikuyu and annual rye; the rye is included for fast greening and to provide a protected environment for the slower germinating kikuyu seed; Includes Scotts Lawn Builder™ Seed & Turf Starter Slow Release Lawn Fertiliser provides the new grass with nutrients for up to three months Each grass has different strengths and weaknesses, and not all may suit your location. Kikuyugrass is a vigorous, warm season grass that spreads by rhizomes and runners. Choose a store for availability. Soil erosion and weed competition is minimised by the … Whittet, Improved Kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestium) is the popular choice for Turf Managers throughout Australia when choosing a seeded variety. Sorry, we're unable to determine your location. 4 interest free payments of $ 15.00. Grass Type Characteristics: Establishment Rate: Medium Growth in Establishment. lanceolate) flower spikelets. Ltd., All Rights Reserved, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Dutch Crocus Sieberi, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Tulip Double Angelique, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Grape Hyacinth White, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Jonquil Soleil D'Or, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Grape Hyacinth Heavenly Blue, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Tulip Apeldoorn Red, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Ranunculus Rembrant Mixed, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Ornithogalum Arabicum Eyes, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Hyacinth Delft Blue, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Daffodil Shirley Ann, Mr Fothergill's Bee Friendly Spring Garden Mix, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Tulip Queensland 3 Bulbs, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Daffodil Accent 3 Bulbs, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Tulip Negrita 3 Bulbs, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Tulip lle de France 3 Bulbs, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Tulip Adrem 3 Bulbs, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Tulip Single Late Mix 4 Bulbs, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Tulip Margarita 4 Bulbs, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Iris Reticulata Mix 3 Bulbs, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Daffodil Spring Sunshine 3 Bulbs, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Daffodil Ice King 3 Bulbs, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Muscari Fantasy Creation, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Anemone Poppy Blue 30 Bulbs, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Tulip Dynasty 4 Bulbs, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Iris Peacock 4 Bulbs, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Garden Favourites Collection, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Tulip World Favourite 4 Bulbs, Mr Fothergill's Bulbs Tulip Camargue 3 Bulbs. Explore our range of lawn seeds including Couch Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Tall Fescue and Brown Top. Unfortunately, this Kikuyu Grass Seed is no longer on our website. See which stores have stock, Additional payment options available at selected stores, To contact your local store 0800 4 6487310 This Policy is provided by the Mitre 10 store participating in this website that has been selected by the customer to buy the particular product/s that are subject to this Policy (Store). To help you grow your own lawn, we stock seeds for most grass varieties including Couch, Kikuyu and RTF Tall Fescue. Kikuyu grass is a low growing, warm season vigorous grass that spreads by stolons & rhizomes. To prepare the soil for planting grass seed… This industry leading treatment protects the seed from common fungal diseases during establishment, reduces bird theft and includes an additive to minimise dust. Buy Bulbs & Seeds at Mitre10. I HAD AN ESTIMATED 98% STRIKE OF THE PURE KIKUYU GRASS SEED, SOME OF IT IN POOR QUALITY SOIL. There are various procedures to follow when applying seeds to land, so make sure you follow the instructions for best results. Always interest-free. Type – grass Height – 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 … This is a warm season grass and therefore will go into winter dormancy when exposed to frosts. Coastal Blend provides the opportunity to have a green lawn year round. In fact, I had to sieve through with my fingers to find any seed. Water the lawn thoroughly using a fine-rosed watering can or a lawn sprinkler which produces a fine spray, taking care not to wash the seeds away. Wetting agent will assist in the plant’s ability to take up moisture from the soil. Kikuyu is a Perennial grass with an extensive root system. In fact, I had to sieve through with my fingers to find any seed. The winter months can cause dormancy in grass seeds, so while it may be easier on you to plant when it’s cold (less heat = less sweating and lethargy! Premium lawns created from 100% natural, eco-friendly Woolgro mats. Kikuyu grass gives you a solution against dry spells, foot traffic and watering. Each flower spikelet is subtended by a ring of bristles. It has a certified germination and purity levels for each batch. Get the best deals on Lawn Grass Seeds. Premium slow release 3 months fertiliser to help establish the grass long term. Kikuyu is a fast repairing grass following wear and tolerates dry periods in summer. it is important to be mindful of correct and efficient irrigation practices to maintain a healthy kikuyu lawn. Our All Season Kikuyu Blend also contains 10% turf fertiliser for rapid establishment. For more information, please visit your nearest Home Depot store or call … Prepare the soil. Pay later. Kikuyu is a healthy and excellent growing grass for high traffic areas, coastal gardens and drought prone districts, in frost-free regions of New Zealand. Bunnings used to sell a Brunnings 100% Kikuyu seed … Multi-purpose coating, to boost germination and deter birds, while also allowing you to see where you’ve sown seeds. These varieties are available as turf only. Prepare the soil by digging to a depth of 10-15cm, rake and level to produce a firm and even surface. Scotts Lawn Builder™ Seed & Feed Kikuyu Lawn Seed works by delivering a blend of lawn seeds and lawn starter fertiliser that is easy to apply and care for during the first few weeks until established … Shop now. Contact your local store about what options you have for local delivery. 100m 2 when used to oversow Light watering will be required to initiate weed germination. Rapid Green Couch. It is no longer available to be purchased through SKU: 334155 $ 29.98 each. Being a very deep rooting variety makes it the most drought tolerant of all cool season grasses. Our All Season Kikuyu Blend also contains 10% turf fertiliser for rapid establishment. Explore our range of lawn seeds including Couch Grass, Kikuyu Grass, Tall Fescue and Brown Top. Kikuyu is a hard-wearing, broad leaf grass with vigorous runners. Each seed pack will sow a defined area of land. Kikuyu is … lanceolate) flower spikelets. When I opened the packet, I immediately noticed it was almost 10% seed and 90% wetting agent! You might even consider a non-grass lawn, such as Dichondra (kidney weed) which gives a smooth, green lawn that needs no mowing and is suitable for sun or light shade. *Discounts apply to most recent previously advertised online price by our Group. Kikuyu is widely adapted but prefers fertile, at least moderately drained, light to medium textured soils. We stock the best brands at everyday low prices. turfmate’s signature range of Premium Lawn Seed has … Through this system the grass spreads (sometimes in excess of 3m) and grows up to 30cm – 40cm high.With regular cutting it forms a dense turf which is ideal for residential use, but the grass … We also stock a wide range of fertilisers for gardens and trees as well as all the options to deal with weeds or bugs. Shop with Afterpay on eligible items. Back 2 Front Turf sells Kikuyu - Whittet certified 100% Grass Seed, so you can grow your own residential lawn or kikuyu pasture. This unique blend creates an extremely hard-wearing, lush green lawn that will thrive in dry situations. Kikuyu Lawn Seed Whittet Pure Grass Seed from Back 2 Front Turf. Each seed is encapsulate with TurboCote, a moisture absorbant coating, that helps retain the important moisture around the emerging Kikuyu… Name – Pennisetum clandestinum Synonym – Cenchrus clandestinus Family – Poaceae. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Unlike common Kikuyu, Kenda grass is bred to be sterile and produce minimal seed head – meaning it doesn’t spread into your garden and is great for allergy sufferers. However, small branched seed-heads may occasionally emerge from inside the sheath of the upper leaves. ... Tui Lawn Force Superstrike All Seasons Lawn Seed 750g. When to Sow Grass Seed; After Sowing. This industry leading treatment protects the seed … Please contact us for pricing and information. Tui LawnForce Superstrike Easycare Lawn Seed creates a fast establishing, but slow growing lawn. We operate at turf farm in North-West NSW and provide "after sales" advice based on actual growing experiences, just call us on 0427 626 908. The Vintage Blend 100% amenity rye grass blend. It has pointed leaf tips and flat leaf blades that are about 1/8 to 1/4 inch wide; St. Augustine grass, on the other hand, has rounded leaf tips with sharply folded or creased leaf blades (Fig. Step 3: Site Preparation. Eureka Kikuyu is a rapidly growing fine leaf lawn, making it a strong, reliable and quick self-repairer. With the perfect combination of the best grass seed … When teamed with our Ecoactive Lawn Mix, you have everything you need to sow and … Items may have sold below the “was” price in stores prior to this discount offer. 10% Kikuyu (Turbocote) + 10% by weight – Granular Wetting Agent; Wetting Agent: This blend contains granular wetting agent to assist with moisture retention. Sorry, this page is unavailable right now. ), it isn’t ideal for growing grass. Free delivery and returns on eBay Plus items for Plus members. Shop the biggest brands online and in-store at everyday low prices. Prolawn Tall Fescue grass seed is a very popular lawn grass in the USA and cooler areas of Australia. Leaves of kikuyugrass are light green and 1 to 10 inches long. VIEW CART. Please try again. Same in-stock item available for same-day delivery or collection, including GST and delivery charges. Kikuyu Grass Maintenance Irrigation. The classic Buffalo, or the hardy Kikuyu. Native to East Africa, Kikuyu was originally imported to Australia as a Pasture grass. Please contact us for pricing and information. Once established, Kikuyu is a vigorous grower and will replace the companion grass… High quality lawn seed shipping New Zealand wide. With our full installation service you get the Woolgro Guarantee. Tall fescue is genetically green so even during the middle of winter or the hottest part of summer it will remain green unlike warm season grasses such as couchgrass or kikuyu. SoilWorx stock a large range of lawn seed, specially blended for all types of different applications. Make the most of the best lawn seed on the market Using a Woolgro lawn mat offers a natural alternative to ready lawn that will produce outstanding results given the right care. Kikuyu has always been the number one choice for any lawn areas which are expected to be under high traffic conditions, including trampling by cattle and vehicles, as this grass repairs itself quicker than almost any other grass. Our kikuyu lawn seed product is not a blended or mixed seed … *Please allow up to 7 days for our fulfillment stores to process your delivery order. $13.95 each - 600g + Qty = $0.00. Growing grass NZ Buy grass seed DIY installation Auckland. If watering is necessary once established, water only when there are signs of the grass drying out, e.g. Grass & Lawn Seeds ... Self-repairing ; 500 g sows up to 50 m2; Kikuyu is a hard-wearing, broad leaf grass with vigorous runners. DISCLAIMER: Kikuyu grass seed is available but by law shipments are restricted to the states of Arizona, Hawaii and the southern counties of California. Yates Lawn Seed Kikuyu 1kg. THE WEATHER(LIGHT PERSISTENT RAIN, WARM DAYS) AND FERTILISER ALSO CERTAINLY HELPED. In the past when Australian backyard toilers were hunting for a grass seed to cover their backyard, it was a choice in two. It is no longer available to be purchased through If you nip across to the farmer’s paddock and rip up a few kikuyu rhizomes and plant them in your backyard you might have a … 2). Where you find a competitor's lower price on the same stocked item, we'll beat it by 10 % Excludes trade quotes, stock liquidations, commercial quantities and MarketLink products. Takes roughly 10-14 days to establish in ideal conditons. 100% Kikuyu Grass Seed; Bag Sizes: Available in 1kg, 5kg tubs and 10kg Bags; Sowing Rate: New Sowing: 0.5 – 1kg per 100sqm; Oversowing: use approx half new sowing rate. ^RRP (Recommended Retail Price) of an item is the price at which the manufacturer or wholesaler recommends that we sell that item and is not necessarily its price offered for sale in the market. $4.95 each - 200g + Qty = $0.00. For example, Couch is hard wearing but dislikes shade, while Kentucky Blue can tolerate shade, but requires a decent amount of water to thrive. The success of your lawn depends very much on proper preparation. Kikuyu grass can be grown from runners and seed but we don’t recommend this. SKU: 201124 $ 59.99 each. Kikuyu is not a very good grass … 0800 4 MITRE 10. These spikelets (10 … These spikelets (10-20 mm long and 0.8-1.5 mm wide) may contain either bisexual flowers, male flowers or female flowers. Lawn Force New Lawns Slow Release Lawn Fertiliser 2.5kg. Grass & Lawn Seeds Description Premium slow release 3 months fertiliser to help establish the grass long term. This hard wearing lawn tolerates dry periods well, and remains greener over winter for all year round enjoyment. Sign up to join the Yates Garden Club for monthly e-mails packed with seasonal inspiration, tips for success & exclusive promotions.. Plus if you’re a Garden Club member you can take part in the Yates Growing Community - a blog to share successes, get advice & win prizes in fun challenges along the way! In addition we stock, Kikuyu, Wimbledon, Brown top, carpet grass and pasture grasses including clovers, herbal ley grasses and low sugar horse pasture. Just follow the instructions and you will soon have a fantastic green lawn. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Kikuyu is a healthy and excellent growing grass for high traffic areas, coastal gardens and drought prone districts, in frost-free regions of New Zealand. Dark green appearance and easy to grow for the home lawner. Dwarf varieties. Just follow the instructions and you will soon have a fantastic green lawn. Lawn Seed SoilWorx stock a large range of lawn seed, specially blended for all types of different applications. A LUSH GREEN CARPET WHICH I HAVE ALREADY CUT HIGH THREE TIMES. As it is slow to establish, Hortico have blended it with a companion grass for fast establishment. We’re happy to assist you. ... Munns Professional Kikuyu Lawn Seed blend is a premium turf grade seed blend coated … Kenda grass is an efficient water user and highly drought tolerant making it an ideal choice for areas with low rainfall or council water restrictions. Kikuyu grass is often described as thick or grabby when players try to extricate themselves from the rough. Thank you for shopping Home Depot. Lawn Online supply a range of quality of Grass Seed to suit a variety of NZ conditions. Discount is already applied to the online price. Times have certainly changed, and now lawn owners are spoilt for choice when it comes to varieties and blends to make the most of … Continue reading "A Quick Guide to Kikuyu Grass Seed" Many Mitre 10 stores offer a local delivery service. Kikuyugrass is a vigorous, warm season grass … Sowing Rate 1kg to 2.5kg per 100sqm. DISCLAIMER: Kikuyu grass seed is available but by law shipments are restricted to the states of Arizona, Hawaii and the southern counties of California. Leave area for approximately 2 weeks or until weeds begin to germinate. Features. Times have certainly changed, and now lawn owners are spoilt for choice when it comes to varieties and blends to make the most of … Continue reading "A Quick Guide to Kikuyu Grass Seed" Fast growing and self-repairing, kikuyu is the easy-to-grow family lawn; This blend also contains annual ryegrass, which is extremely fast germinating, to act as a nursery grass to help limit weed germination and competition, prevent soil erosion, and fill the gaps between the establishing kikuyu … Common types can be propagated by seed or vegetative methods. Click here for more info, Want it today? Whittet has a medium texture, robust turf density & will establish & persist better on poor soils with low fertility. Full WoolGro installation service currently available in: AUCKLAND | BAY OF PLENTY . On well-structured, red basalt soils, but also on alluvial and fertilised moist sandy soils against dry,... 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