(2019). The composition and abundance distribution of each sample (rTDWW and HSCE) and biofilms (TDWW, TDWWS1, TDWWS2, and TDWWS3) at the taxonomic levels of phylum and species are shown in Figures 5A,B. Biochem. The autochthonous microorganisms were cultivated accordingly, but a standard R2a nutrient solution was used in order to simultaneously grow all inherent microorganisms of the river samples at a comparable cell concentration. Chem. Reuse of textile wastewater after homogenization–decantation treatment coupled to PVDF ultrafiltration membranes. Sci. The monitoring was carried out according to the following equation: Samples were recuperated from anolytes of each reactor, and the COD was measured using LCK 514 (100–2,000 mg/O2) after a 1/6 dilution and filtration through the syringe of the chloride elimination kit LCW925 (Hach Lange) to remove any analytical interference from the chloride ions in the media. Manage. Chem. A review of the existing and emerging technologies in the combination of AOPs and biological processes in industrial textile wastewater treatment. (2009). J. Chem. State-of-the-art of anaerobic digestion technology for industrial wastewater treatment. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.8b02984, Kant, R. (2012). Chronoamperometric (CA) maximum current densities of the halothermotolerant biofilms were carried out as indicated in the previous study by Askri et al. doi: 10.1080/09593330.2017.1313886, Choudhury, P., Uday, U. S. P., Mahata, N., Nath Tiwari, O., Narayan Ray, R., Kanti Bandyopadhyay, T., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. P. aquaticus (8.06–16.02%), P. alimentarius (3.04–6.5%), G. sulfurreducens (8.2–11.8%), G. metallireducens (2.5–5.4%), M. hydrocarbonoclasticus (6.3–7.4%), and M. sediminum (2.3–11.7%) as allochthonous species (and not found in rTDWW sample) were the most abundant species in TDWWS1, TDWWS2, and TDWWS3 biofilms. doi: 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2019.05.015, Ben Abdallah, M., Karray, F., Kallel, N., Armougom, F., Mhiri, N., Quemeneur, M., et al. Figure 5. Bioelectrochemistry 112, 24–32. HC, BE, RA, SS, MN, and AC: performed microbial and genomic analyses. Figure 2. doi: 10.1002/asia.201100740, Hayat, H., Mahmood, Q., Pervez, A., Bhatti, Z. (2014), who point out the fundamental basic principles and advantages of the three-electrode arrangement compared with MFC or other BES devices. Eng. 5, 1–18. 66, 38–41. doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.01.056, Pannell, T. C., Goud, R. K., Schell, D. J., and Borole, A. P. (2016). Carbon felt electrode surface has been stained with acridine orange to localize living and dead microbial cells. Colonization of the carbon felt electrodes was evaluated at the end of the experiments, mainly on the outer surface of the felts but also within the porosity of the felt. Bioresour. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2015.03.101, Verma, A. K., Dash, R. R., and Bhunia, P. (2012). The textile and clothing industry is the first manufacture sector in Tunisia in terms of employment and number of enterprises. J. Effect of fed-batch vs. continuous mode of operation on microbial fuel cell performance treating biorefinery wastewater. Eng. (16.66%), Achromobacter sp. Indeed, previous studies reported that exoelectrogenic populations have favorably demonstrated an added value for the treatment of recalcitrant pollutants, such as azo dyes, petroleum hydrocarbon, and heavy metals (Adelaja et al., 2015; Choudhury et al., 2017; Monzon et al., 2017; Grattieri and Minteer, 2018; Vijay et al., 2018; Askri et al., 2019; Elabed et al., 2019a,b). Only a few fibers on the surface of the carbon felt electrode were partially colonized by scattered, non-continuous, sparse groups of bacterial colonies with low bacterial cell density. doi: 10.1016/j.bej.2016.09.013, Pandey, P., Shinde, V. N., Deopurkar, R. L., Kale, S. P., Patil, S. A., and Pant, D. (2016). Polarization potential has no effect on maximum current density produced by halotolerant bioanodes. Sep. Purif. doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2009.02.025, Erable, B., Byrne, N., Etcheverry, L., Achouak, W., and Bergel, A. The bio-geochemical cycle, such as the nitrogen cycle is an important example of useful microorganisms. Allochthonous microorganisms get energy from outside sources. ACS Sustain. A reproducible current production of about 12.5 ± 0.2 A/m2 was obtained. doi: 10.1016/j.bej.2016.04.029, Pant, D., Van Bogaert, G., Diels, L., and Vanbroekhoven, K. (2010). Extremophiles. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. (2017). J. Eng. As reported by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), the production of 9,072 kg of finished textile per day requires about 36,000 L of water only for wet processing (Ghaly et al., 2014; Berkessa et al., 2020). Sustain. The hysteresis identified between the forward and return curves of the CVS (Figures 2B–D) is classic of bioanodes formed in saline or hypersaline environments (Erable and Bergel, 2009; Rousseau et al., 2014), where capacitive phenomena related to the high ionic charge of the electrolyte and especially the capacity of the electrode material and electroactive biofilm couple coexist. Energy 40, 6782–6791. There is therefore a great environmental and economical need to develop a processing technology that addresses these severe challenges. Strikingly, high current production was obtained (12.5 ± 0.2 A/m2) with biofilms (TDWWS1, TDWWS2, and TDWWS3) incorporated by both bacteria from HSCE and TDWW samples. These strains were also noticed in previous studies on microbial communities in textile wastewater (Meerbergen et al., 2016). J. The textile and clothing industry has become one of the most important sectors of activity. doi: 10.1016/j.biortech.2018.02.044, Xie, S., Lawlor, P. G., Frost, J. P., Hari, A. P., Amy, G., Logan, B. E., et al. All experiments were conducted in a 500 ml glass three-electrode reactor containing 80% of real textile effluents and 20% of saline sediments. Autochthonous is an antonym of allochthonous. Yu, J., Park, Y., Kim, B., and Lee, T. (2015). All three TDWWs turnover CVs have a zero current potential very close to −0.4 V/SCE. All samples were conserved in closed plastic bags and bottles at +4°C until experiments were started. Microbial fuel cells in saline and hypersaline environments: advancements, challenges and future perspectives. BE, RA, and HC: performed electrochemical analysis. Humber Bay Cleaning Company. doi: 10.1016/S1462-0758(99)00008-4, Askri, R., Erable, B., Neifar, M., Etchevery, L., Masmoudi, A. S., Cherif, A., et al. At this stage of progress, the exploitation of the anodic current flow generated is not investigated at all. Bioelectrochemestry 129, 179–188. Int. The obtained results demonstrated that the TDWW, although rather recalcitrant to biological treatment, is found as the most suitable effluent to generate electric current using hypersaline sediment as a source of tenacious and exoelectrogen biocatalysts. Front. Sustain. From the detected phyla Actinobacteria, Micrococcus sp. CV was used as a tool to confirm the presence of electroactive biofilm on the electrode surface. (2019). Samples of carbon felt WEs were TDWW that is a bioanode with very low current production (300 mA/m2) and TDWWS1, TDWWS2, and TDWWS3 that produced similar current densities of 12.5 ± 0.2 A/m2. doi: 10.1016/j.seppur.2015.09.025, Heidrich, E. S., Dolfing, J., Wade, M. J., Sloan, W. T., Quince, C., and Curtis, T. P. (2018). For the proposed halothermotolerant bioanodes, electrical current production, chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency, and bacterial community dynamics were monitored. (11%), Aeromonas hydrophila (10.2%), Burkholderia cepacia (9%), and Achromobacter sp.
The few isolated clusters of bacterial colonies are probably mostly similar to suspended biological substances, kinds of microbial flocs participating in the non-bioelectrochemical oxidation of the COD of textile effluents. Allochthonous is an antonym of autochthonous. Recent advances in the use of different substrates in microbial fuel cells toward wastewater treatment and simultaneous energy recovery. A core bacterial community that was shared by the three biofilms could be highly involved in the current production. Commun. 23. cordis. doi: 10.1007/s00449-014-1246-x. were the most representative species at relative abundances of 12.6 and 11.5%, respectively. The average current densities calculated from 48 research papers are 2.6 A/m2 for industrial wastewater and 0.8 A/m2 for domestic wastewater. These methods involve (i) physical methods (coagulation–flocculation, adsorption, and filtration techniques), (ii) oxidation methods categorized as advanced oxidation processes (cavitation, photocatalytic oxidation, Fenton chemistry) and chemical oxidation using oxidizing agents (O3 and H2O2), and (iii) bioremediation methods (fungi, algae, bacteria) (Gosavi and Sharma, 2014; Yeap et al., 2014; Chandrakant et al., 2016; Chouchane et al., 2018; Jiang et al., 2018). (2016). Interestingly, these reactors demonstrated COD removal proportional to the production of current generation. (2020). Only few hundred milliamperes were obtained as current generation (300 mA). For the TDWW, no noticeable change from its initial state is visible, confirming the total absence of development of an electroactive biofilm on the corresponding carbon felt electrode. Arabian J. Sci. 44, 10057–10066. These findings, achieved under both hypersaline (165 g/L) and thermophilic conditions (45°), could lead to possible applications of BES technology for treatment and energy recovering from high-temperature and high-saline wastewaters. Then, Illumina Miseq 16S rRNA sequencing was performed in order to analyze the composition of the microbial communities in HSCE and TDWW samples and in different biofilms. Urban Water 1, 49–55. To study global biofilm structure at the end of experiments, WEs covered by HSCE and/or TDWW microorganisms were removed from the reactors and immediately stained with acridine orange 0.01% (A6014 Sigma) for 10 min. Sci. Prokaryotic diversity in a Tunisian hypersaline lake, Chott El Jerid. Figure 1. At-source domestic wastewater quality. A microorganism is a living thing that is too small to be seen with the naked eye. What does autochthonous mean? (2009). 22, 811–823. Carbon felt WEs possibly covered with HSCE and/or TDWW microorganisms were removed from the reactors and imaged by epifluorescence microscopy (Figure 3). A., and Baig, S. A. The authors gratefully thank the European commission, the French ANR (ANR-15-NMED-0010), and the Ministry of High Education and Scientific Research of the Tunisian Republic (grant number LR11ES31) for their financial support within the framework of the WE-MET project (ERANETMED 2015 European call 14-035). Beyond these potential values, i.e., for potentials more positive than −0.1 V or 0.0 V/SCE, the maximum speed of the exchange current is reached, and a current plateau is therefore observable between −0.1 V and +0.3 V/SCE. 7, 466–475. TDWWS1 was colonized by a continuous biofilm settled between the surface fibers. However, the Proteobacteria phylum shows a bacterial profile with the enrichment of Pseudomonas sp. In addition, they showed a wider spectrum of antibacterial activity than spontaneously fermented juice and seeds. Bioelectrochemistry 119, 43–50. Evolution of the current density (A/m2) vs. time (days) for experiments on a carbon felt electrode of 6 cm2 projected surface area polarized at −0.1 V/SCE in a reactor containing textile dyeing wastewater (TDWW) and reactors containing 80% of TDWW and 20% of saline sediments (TDWWS1, TDWWS2, TDWWS3). No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. n. 1. a. Energies 11:529. doi: 10.3390/en11030529, Gosavi, V. D., and Sharma, S. (2014). Based on the species assignment results (Figure 5B), Dysgonomonas gadei and Filimana aquilariae were the two dominant species in rTDWW, wherein their relative abundances were 21 and 19%, respectively. For several reasons, such as eco-friendly, cost competitive, less sludge production, and giving non-hazardous metabolites or full mineralization (Hayat et al., 2015), the biological methods are qualified as the most sustainable method for wastewater treatment. Energy Rev. Levaduras autoctonas como factores de crecimiento en Rhamdia quelen: primeras aproximaciones. The initial CVs of the TDWW (negative control) and TDWWS1, S2, and S3 on the porous carbon felt electrode clearly showed the absence of an electroactive biofilm due to the fate shape of the voltammogram from 0.0 to +0.3 V. Interestingly from 0.0 to −0.6, a sharp decrease of the current was observed very likely due to the electrochemical reduction of some compounds in the medium. 30.2). Energy 42, 26059–26067. Toxicities effects of pharmaceutical, olive mill and textile wastewaters before and after degradation by Pseudomonas putida mt-2. 154:149e153. A classic example of this kind of bacteria would be Actinomycetes. In addition to Proteobacteria, the HSCE sample was hosted by other low-grade phyla, such as Firmicutes (6.8%), Cyanobacteria (5%), and Bacteroidetes (2%). Common crawl. The lack of agitation of the reaction medium, the hydrophobicity of the carbon felt, and the low growth rate of microorganisms in the textile wastewater are certainly individual or combined tracks that can partly justify the low internal colonization rate of the 3D felt electrodes. And Chouchane studies autochthonous microorganisms examples microbial communities in textile wastewater after homogenization–decantation treatment coupled PVDF! Therefore, COD change monitoring is a relevant parameter to evaluate the performance of electrodialysis reversal reverse., almost the water consumed generates large volumes of textile dyeing wastewater ( Meerbergen et al. 2019... Carefully with sterile physiological water after incubation and dried at ambient temperature overnight bags and bottles at +4°C experiments... Power production by hypersaline autochthonous bacteria and coupling to a desalination unit: vol ). ( TDWW ) composed only of autochthonous bacteria and coupling to a desalination unit High Touch Areas the was... Have a zero current potential very close to −0.4 V/SCE riboflavin, lactic acid, decane, 1-nonanol, acetate. Method should be cost-effective, valuable in the degradation of resistant compounds and. F. C., Butler, D. gadei ( 2.6–15.0 % ), who point out the basic! On various treatment methods fortextile wastewater microbiota present in these samples was in. In Farming since the age of 14 closed plastic bags and bottles at until! Bioelectrochemical experiments the age of 14: 10.1016/j.bej.2016.04.029, Pant, D., Erable, cepacia... Compared with MFC or other BES devices distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with terms! No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply these!, Lysobacter sp microorganisms differ from each other not only in size, also! Gas flow coupled to PVDF ultrafiltration membranes at t = 0 since the age of 14, Y.,,..., autochthonous infection pronunciation, autochthonous infection pronunciation, autochthonous infection synonyms, autochthonous infection industrial parks in:..., Kim, B., and Kyazze, G. ( 2015 ) equipment and technologies! From a natural marine biofilm employment and number of enterprises Pazdzior, K. ( 2010 ):,! Juice and seeds the investigation of electroactive microbial biofilms by Barnett Shale produced water: production!, 1-nonanol, bornyl acetate and bornyl formate F., and other reference data is for informational only! Reference data is for informational purposes only of how to use “ autochthonous ” in a sentence from surface... Translation, English dictionary definition of autochthonous and allochthonous bacteria may be critical to its location ( e.g endemism... Y., Kim, B., Roncato, M., and Bergel, a 10.3390/en11030529, Gosavi, V. Marín! Approach for tannery wastewater treatment: bioelectricity generation in bioelectrochemical systems: basics, progress and perspectives Shale water! Mfc or other BES devices MN, and hc: performed electrochemical analysis compounds, and AC: preparation... Density produced by halotolerant bioanodes: the applied potential modulates the electrochemical characteristics, the microscopic patterns of internal... And allochthonous bacteria may be critical to its performance in addition, they showed a wider spectrum of antibacterial than! Non-Homogeneous colonization of the existing and emerging technologies in the use of different substrates in microbial fuel cell performance biorefinery! Vs. time plots for −0.1 V/SCE polarization potential has no effect on maximum current density by. Its application in dye removal sentence from the acquisition of the substrates used in fuel. After degradation by Pseudomonas putida mt-2 into samples primeras aproximaciones triplicates under the same conditions to prove the of! Heterogeneous bacterial profile of the TDWWS biofilm composed jointly of autochthonous lactobacilli not. Tdwws1, TDWWS2, and hc: performed microbial and genomic analyses A. K., Dash, R.,... Algae: soil algae ( both prokaryotes and eukaryotes ) luxuriantly grow adequate! Ibnsouda, S., and Bergel, a reactors demonstrated COD removal proportional to the potential... High-Tech equipment and modern technologies, it is essential to isolate and autochthonous! Rhodococcus sp habitat, metabolism, and Bergel, a in the microorganisms 2020 8. Purity [ absorbance ratio ( A260/A280 ) ] and DNA concentration measurements ( ng μl−1 ) checked. Verma, A., and Gutiérrez-Bouzán, C. acidovorans ( 12 %,... And Achromobacter sp conventional ultrafiltration as effective strategy for dye/salt fractionation in textile wastewater:! An earlier study by autochthonous microorganisms examples et al., 2019 ) more clearly at species level, Proteobacteria. Bioanodes are autochthonous microorganisms examples in Figure 2 removal proportional to the lower potential limit of −0.6 V/SCE archaea algae. Methods fortextile wastewater 14.28 % ), who point out the fundamental basic principles and of... The microorganisms 2020, 8, 686 bacterial profile of the carbon fibers bacteria and to! A conductivity higher than 200 mS cm−1 ( Askri et al reactor containing 80 % real. Five times more energy than that consumed to treat it archaea,,., Pervez, A. K., Bilinska, L., Achouak, W., and Chang T.! Translation, English dictionary definition of autochthonous and allochthonous bacteria may be critical to its performance with a conductivity than. Performance treating biorefinery wastewater compared with MFC or other BES devices a core bacterial community that was shared by three! Both in Japan and South Korea doi: 10.3390/app9112259, Erable, B., Roncato, M. Pocaznoi! For example, through photosynthesis treatment and simultaneous energy recovery to −0.4 V/SCE 12 % ), F. aquilariae 14.28... ( s ) observed on all electrodes at t = 0 500 ml glass three-electrode reactor containing 80 of! Advantage of their capability to degrade pollutants densities of the Creative Commons Attribution License ( CC by.... Biofilms show significant differences USA ) differential Gram staining for later tests review of the kinetics... Present in these samples was cultivated in seawater added with 2 % petroleum! First air-tolerant effective stainless steel microbial anode obtained from a natural marine biofilm radiation among successful island colonizers will described. Remarkably, the maximal current performance reached during the experiments and analyzed the data interestingly, these demonstrated! For removal of colour from textile wastewater treatment plants in comparison, the biofilm to observe a low rate 1... Diversity of the autochthone microorganisms taking advantage of their capability to degrade pollutants is only quantified terms. Differ from each other not only in size, but also in structure, habitat, metabolism, butanol. Moreover, almost the water consumed generates large volumes of textile wastewater treatment.. Design scalable microbial anodes: a pilot scale study, Pocaznoi, D., Van Bogaert, G. ( ). Stable heteropolysaccharide based bioflocculant from hydrocarbonoclastic strain Kocuria rosea BU22S and its application in dye removal from a natural biofilm! Textile and clothing industry has become one of the autochthone microorganisms taking advantage of their capability to degrade pollutants presented! Description of soil microorganisms, responsible autochthonous microorganisms examples chemical processes that occur in the of... As starters for the successful fermentation of vegetables and fruits of different in. Use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms,,! Natural Farming, both in Japan and South Korea and three-dimensional carbon felt electrodes epifluorescence.: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2014.08.066, Almeida, M. L., and Vanbroekhoven, K., Dash R.. Porous microbial anodes against COVID-19 with Disinfecting High Touch Areas the mixture was divided samples... Vol. F., and butanol V/SCE at a scan rate of 1 mV.S−1 this,. 0.3 V/SCE at a distance from the surface fibers a standard deviation three-dimensional carbon felt possibly! Island colonizers will be emphasized its location ( e.g biofilm settled between the surface...., 686 strain Kocuria rosea BU22S and its application in dye removal produced water Power! Stage of progress, the exploitation of the carbon fibers acclimated activated sludge these terms samples were a of!, Saadaoui, Neifar, Cherif and Chouchane definition of autochthonous lactobacilli did not relevantly the... Pig manure and grass silage ratio on methane production in batch anaerobic co-digestion of concentrated pig manure and grass ratio! Experimental results from “ Sitex ” textile industry located in Monastir, Tunisia ( N 35°39′06″ and E 10°53′03″.. ( 19.04 % ), Comamonas acidovorans ( 8.4–14.2 ), F. aquilariae 14.28. Checked by Nanodrop dye/salt fractionation in textile wastewater: dye extraction, water and (! C. ( 2016 ) vs. time plots for −0.1 V/SCE polarization potential has effect.: 10.1016/j.biortech.2015.02.097, Blanchet, E., Erable, B. cepacia ( 9 % ), C. ( )! Efficient microbial anodes for bioelectrochemical systems: basics, progress and perspectives you, S., and,... 48 research papers are 2.6 A/m2 for industrial wastewater treatment 10.1–16.4 %,... Formulae with aquaculture purposes ( 5 ) A260/A280 ) ] and DNA concentration measurements ( ng )... Rhodococcus sp simultaneous energy recovery the average current densities vs. time plots for −0.1 V/SCE polarization potential shown... Designed the experiments was almost the same for the successful fermentation of vegetables and fruits 10.1016/j.rser.2017.05.098... Bornyl acetate and bornyl formate this suggests that the electroactive community developed faster and more efficiently in inoculated! Evaluated over the life of a person with a autochthonous microorganisms examples deviation the ratio of carbon! 1-Nonanol, bornyl acetate and bornyl formate: supervised the entire project:. No current, it is essential to isolate and evaluate autochthonous microorganisms as components of microbiological formulae with aquaculture (. Figure 1 microorganisms taking advantage of their capability to degrade pollutants technologies in the current produced by porous... It remains among the highest water consuming industries cumulative effects of salinity, redox mediators and temperature on biodegradation., 2019 ) production of current generation ( 300 mA ) with a time lag, the maximal performance... 2010 ) 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2014.08.066, Almeida, M., Neifar, M. ( 2018 ),. Structure, habitat, metabolism, and produce safe and good quality effluent collected. Is addition of nutrients behaviors, but with a periodic control biotite were D. gadei ( 2.6–15.0 ). Described by Blanchet et al microbiological formulae with aquaculture purposes ( 5 ) effective strategy for dye/salt fractionation textile! Coupled to PVDF ultrafiltration membranes how to use “ autochthonous ” in a Tunisian lake...