If the peculiar quality of a man's ‘subjectivity’ happens to be hatred, as it frequently was with Kierkegaard, what is dictated by this hatred assumes the vesture of certain truth, and its presentation to the public with a suitable show of reluctance attests at once devotion to truth and devotion to duty. But to make thought a contemplation of nothing but unchanging and eternal essences is to make that achievement itself unintelligible. Traditionally, faith and reason have each been considered to be sources of justification for religious belief. By faith Abraham went out from the land of his fathers and became a sojourner in the land of promise. In Kierkegaard's case, at least, the argument was a boomerang. No such argument will be offered here. Kierkegaard's habits of thinking did not lend themselves to precise analysis and such pronouncements as ‘reality is the interest in action’ and ‘the category of transition is itself a breach of immanence’ are not very helpful. Karl Barth, The Knowledge of God and the Service of God (London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1938), 126. In these laws there is no reference to any particular event or to any individual thing or man. He said himself that his thought must be understood through his personality; and that personality was profoundly abnormal—so abnormal as to have cut him off from his fellows, his friends, and his own family. The best thing is that you should have an inexhaustible fund of inventions for torturing yourself; but if you are not strong enough, you can always hope that God will have pity on you and help you to reach the state of suffering.’ ‘It is a frightful thing, the moment when God gets out his instruments for the operation no human strength can carry out: cutting away from a man his desire to live, killing him so that he can live like a dead man. It was impossible, he held, to live at once on the aesthetic plane and on this higher one; we are confronted with a stern either-or, the demand for a total commitment to the one side or the other. 42 Abraham was enabled by faith to see what ordinary men were unable to see. Not that he is needed to cope with any danger from Hegel, for to most present-day theologians Hegel is scarcely more than a name. But for Kierkegaard as for Luther, these faculties are corrupt; all the principles laid down by them are open to a ‘teleological suspension of the ethical’ imposed from above; they are subject at any moment to cancellation by ‘the absurd’; and if in the face of such a suspension we retain our old adherence to love or loyalty or even conscience in its natural sense, the charge of immorality is compounded with a charge of impiety. What is described as ‘ethical reality’ looks under scrutiny like an apotheosis of thoughtlessness. There is no antecedent reason why he should not approach his Deity, and find a revelation of him, through his aesthetic and intellectual faculties as truly as through his conscience. We find this here denied. Why then should a sane man say that thought cannot deal with existence? Discover God's peace now. Reality is the interest in action, in existence.’50, The passage from thought to decision is not like a transition from one idea to another, but an unpredictable, inexplicable break from one order of being into another, from the realm of thought to the realm of existence. Contrasting Kierkegaard’s views with the Kantian approach to faith and knowledge enables also for a closer understanding of the philosophers’ ideas. Although he distinguished three levels on which life might be lived, the upper two lay so close together that, in contrast to the aesthetic level, he often took them as one under the name of the ethico-religious plane. Now that's easier said than done, because his writing is dense and his style tempts the reader to rename him "Snoring Kierkegaard." To countless persons who were trying to combine religious belief with intellectual honesty such announcements sounded as the guns of Havelock must have sounded to the defenders of Lucknow. But did it render the events of history completely intelligible? 44 We have been dealing with the absurdity apprehended by faith in the field of morals. If you have an immediate prayer need, please call our 24-hour prayer line at 800-700-7000. If Pericles differs from the Polynesians, it is not necessarily dogmatism to say that he speaks for a higher culture and is more likely to be right. I saw that the meaning of life was to secure a livelihood, and that its goal was to secure a high position; that love's rich dream was marriage with an heiress; that friendship's blessing was help in financial difficulties; that wisdom was what the majority assumed it to be; that enthusiasm consisted in making a speech; that it was courage to risk the loss of ten dollars; that kindness consisted in saying, “You are welcome,” at the dinner table; that piety consisted in going to communion once a year. What was important was our moral status; we had sinned, all of us and morally; some of us had had our sins washed away, and would therefore be saved; where we stood in this transcendent reckoning was the only thing that really mattered. To the charge that this emphasis on suffering is arbitrary and smells of the hospital, Kierkegaard would no doubt reply that it has an objective and ‘existential’ ground. Whether he actually killed or not, he showed that he possessed the one thing needful, namely the readiness to kill. 517. When the question is thus clearly put, one must take leave to doubt not only whether such insight occurs in fact but whether it could possibly occur. Instead of answering the critics point by point, Kierkegaard shifted ground and held that their criticism required no answer because it was irrelevant. Just as Hegel recognised three main stages on the way to the Absolute—being, essence, and the notion—so Kierkegaard distinguishes three ‘stages on life's way’, the aesthetic, the ethical, and the religious. Papirer, IVa, 109; quoted by Thomte, op. Or to take the sort of case that Kierkegaard prefers—for he was preoccupied with the erotic—the love of Dante for Beatrice was real, though a vast gulf separated the thought of her from the existent woman of flesh and blood. Surely to require that of us would be itself as unjust as to ask someone who could barely add and subtract to correct the mathematics of Gauss or Gödel. Am I implying that in respect to this sense of guilt Kierkegaard himself was not quite sane? If the killing of innocent youth without regard to consequences may be right, then anything may be right, since our moral sense has proved delusive at the very point of its greatest confidence. They require not merely that we should be generous, but that whenever we give we should give just the right amount, no more and no less. But if in the light of this generalisation we can prevent the disease in her particular case, or if, when she gets it, we can predict and halt its course, that is not a negligible achievement in the understanding and control of existence. faith and reason in kierkegaard Oct 11, 2020 Posted By Penny Jordan Library TEXT ID c31db105 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library means that which contradicts reason as ken makes clear this goes far beyond recognizing that in matters of faith reason can only take us so far faith and dr merold westphal Kierkegaard’s Philosophy of Faith For centuries philosopher and theologians have debated the existence of God and the legitimacy of religion, trying to justify faith through logic. For the sin he was talking about was more than the continued failure that we can verify daily, and the infinite that condemned us was not a mere ideal, however exalted, but an existent being, powerful and terrible. Emotion was for Kierkegaard an immediate experience, and therefore subjective and real. Can history do it? One might be the first poet or the first philosopher of the world; that was nothing in God's sight. It rests on the real pathos of existence. But ‘what is the hour and a half I have to live with men, what but a brief instant compared with eternity?’24 And living in the light of eternity does not mean the intellectual culture that sees things steadily and whole; it has nothing to do with the philosopher's ‘contemplation of all time and all existence’; these are comparative frivolities. It would remain true nevertheless that the only way we can deal with such events, either in theory or in practice, is by recourse to their character; we must control existence through essence. Just as Kierkegaard's ethics implies the denial of a realm of value, so his trans-logical truth undermines truth as we know it. Press, 1938), 1061. As for the inadequacy of thought, a case can certainly be made for it, and such a case was actually presented with a force of statement and argument beyond Kierkegaard's range by an English contemporary, Dean Mansel of St Paul's. 12 The resignation must be total. The distinction between these is not very clearly drawn.10 The main difference seems to be that in stage A God is thought of as immanent, as somehow continuous with our own minds and open to some degree of understanding by reason, whereas in stage B, which Kierkegaard sometimes calls simply ‘Christianity’, we realise that God stands over against us as infinitely different, as quite incomprehensible, and indeed as absurd. I may clearly conceive a character; I may conceive your height for example; but can I in the same way conceive its existence? Whether it will do so or not is the choice before us in Kierkegaard's famous ‘either-or’. We have said our say regarding the doctrine of original sin and need not discuss it again. It is a doctrine without basis in biology or ethics, a doctrine, moreover, that is linked, both as cause and effect, to something pathological in human nature—to irrational fear, to a morbid sense of guilt, and not improbably to stirrings of sadism. Sense and reason have been deliberately left behind. ‘Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, rejoice.’ One suspects that the exuberant apostle would have been repelled by his successor's gospel of sedulous suffering and despair. We may achieve full religious absurdity with so little trace in our conduct of any new mellowness or affection or unselfishness or refinement of feeling that we are undistinguishable from our brother grocers and tax-collectors. The road to the universal lies through the individual. Now a person to whom the exalted status of the man with the top-hat or the emperor or the duchess conveyed no meaning would see nothing comic in their abject condition; the cream of the jest lies precisely in the deflation of high pretensions by humble fact. His stress on vehement commitment, his disrespect for ecclesiastical and secular authority, his insistence on will and feeling, and his scepticism of received values have combined with his distrust of reason to strike a chord unexpectedly congenial to twentieth-century youth. To them it will still seem odd that one should have to become immoral in order to be religious. They were unwilling to turn their faith into what they conceived Catholicism to have become, an island of intellectual anachronism safeguarded against invasion by walls of censorship and sophistical apologetic. They flowed through its loose-woven mythical texture as through a sieve. What Kierkegaard had to contend with was the most radical and fully elaborated rationalism in history, that of Hegel. But a mind that is morally and intellectually sane can hardly divest itself of its sanity on order. Nevertheless, Kierkegaard's elevation to the place he now holds is a curious fact that calls for explanation. He died four years before The Origin of Species cast its grenade among the fundamentalist theologians. ‘If ever a person was self-centred,’ says Professor Paton, ‘it was Kierkegaard; he hardly ever thinks of anyone but himself.’97 What we have in this strange version of Christianity is thus an insistence on the selfish character of the religious motive combined with an insistence that the values of the Christian life, so far as these can be understood, are provisional only and may at any time be overridden. Søren Kierkegaard born. Only one kind of control can carry us out of despair to full security, and that is the guidance of God himself. The objection is that reason can deal only with universal, and that therefore particulars, which plainly exist, are bound to slip through its meshes and get away. Thereafter rationalism became anathema to him, and the very attempt to apply rational standards to religion came to seem an irrelevance and an offence. To defend this statement adequately in the light of recent developments in ethics would take much space. 48 What was the truth that Kierkegaard saw? ‘There is only one interest, the interest in existence; disinterestedness is therefore an expression for indifference to reality.’70 The man who is truly engaged will be in a consuming passion; ‘the absolute consciousness of God consumes him as the burning heat of the summer sun when it will not go down, as the burning heat of the summer sun when it will not abate.’71, Thirdly, our subjective experience is incommunicable. When anyone says that it is our duty to be perfect, does he mean that we ought to be perfect or that we ought to do our best to be perfect? Aristotelian morality was a matter of ‘my station and its duties’, and the modest perfection of the ‘golden mean’ seemed quite attainable. I am implying precisely that. Why, he looks like a tax-collector! cit., 144. If I want to communicate this to you, I can make noises or write symbols, but you can gather what I am thinking only by rethinking it for yourself. Soren Kierkegaard believed in the Christian concept of God and wrote extensively on Christianity, but did not try to … Nor does his stress on suffering seem consistent with itself. The intellectual element, though it does not stand alone, is and must be there. He tires of his friends, behaves with fickleness toward them, and finds them turning on their heel as he approaches. ‘The object of faith is hence the reality of the God-man in the sense of his existence… the fact that God has existed as an individual human being.’101 But he admits that by rational standarts this fact is inconceivable and inconsistent with itself. Kierkegaard's best known illustration of the meaning of faith is drawn not from theology but from morals. There is no reason at all that Isaac should be returned to Abraham, and yet, by virtue of the absurd, it happens. Kierkegaard had many views about faith, but I will address two specific ones. Two answers are possible. It is hopeless to patch the older theory of nature to meet facts like these; that might be done with two or three of them, but hardly with ten thousand. 3 After the orthodox theory of nature went the orthodox view of Scripture. Abraham could not have found a rational justification for his actions, it is only the leap that made him father of faith or as Kierkegaard puts it: knight of faith. R. Niebuhr, The Nature and Destiny of Man (N.Y., Scribner's, 1949), I, 263; I, 182 fn. Kierkegaard holds that subjectivity is truth. ‘Christianity exists,’ he writes, ‘because there is hatred between God and men.’ ‘God hates all existence.’, ‘To be a Christian means that you will be tortured in every way. Kierkegaard is widely considered to be an irrationalist. It is not solved by such phrases as ‘choosing the absolute’, or ‘choosing myself in my eternal validity’, still less by excursions into the psychology of sex. In that case why suppose that the impotence of our reason has any remedy at all? An account of the final stage is given in a more straightforward way in a ‘postscript’, as the author calls it, of a quarter of a million words. We may pity his unhappy and diseased temperament, but neurosis is a poor qualification for setting up as a religious guide.… Self-centredness is the very antithesis of religion; and if the paradox of faith is—as he says—a willingness “to do the terrible and to do it for its own sake” (as well as for God's sake), then the less of this kind of faith we have the better.’114, 47 This is a grim note on which to end our study of Kierkegaard. We may multiply our principles, qualify them, and conform to them always more closely; we shall still never be wholly good. By action Kierkegaard was careful to explain that he did not mean overt behaviour; Luther's great action, for example, was not his appearance in the flesh before the Diet of Worms, but the inward decision from which that behaviour flowed.49 It might be supposed that if action is thus made an inward affair thought and will would blend with each other indistinguishably. A son who is a separate person from his father cannot also be one with that father; still less can three persons be one. The believer was not, after all, an intellectual Colonel Blimp living in the generation before last, nor was he clinging pitifully to the old faith because he was unadjusted to modern thought and frightened of it; it was he who saw things clearly and as they were; it was the rationalist who was deluded. The major assumption of science is the reign of law, which would rule out miracles at the outset, including the central one of the appearance on the planet of a being unaccountable by human antecedents. Humphrey Milford, Oxford Univ joy and kierkegaard faith and reason slips through the meshes escapes... The standpoint from which the religious human years or dialogues of fictitious persons plight would then shocking! Omniscient can not help a closer understanding of the third in goodness would some... 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